Kirsty, 38 Years Old
38yrs. Cesarean. 7mth old baby. Could not bend to put her to bed. Time to go back to work.
I first began my sessions with Pinar 7 months after my cesarean as I found myself immobilized. I would be in tears as could not get out of bed to attend to my baby’s cries during the night and nor was I able to bend forward to lay her in her crib. My lack of mobility and strength along with the excruciating pain I was in could not continue.
My research for the perfect trainer began, it was important for me to find someone who not only understands the human body but someone who understands cesareans and what my body has gone through and what it needs going forward. I found me Pinar! We began with the most basic of basic stretches and mobility exercises each week. I felt so embarrassed as when I say basic, they were b.a.s.i.c yet I could still not do them. After only a few weeks of 2 sessions p/w with Pinar I was finally able to roll myself out of bed in a shorter amount of time and I could stand myself up off the floor which I could not do before. I still had some discomfort and weakness in my back, but I had come so far!
Move forward 3 months and our sessions have evolved with Pinar ensuring she has a different training session planned for me each week. We have focused primarily on my core and back, but I can feel my entire body getting stronger. Without Pinar’s extensive rehabilitation experience, guidance, and patience I would still not be able to the most basic of ‘mum’ things like being able to pick up my baby for cuddles or have been able to go back to work.
For those who are considering starting personal training session or even online classes and are feeling hesitant in any way, I could not recommend it more. I may have foregone a few trips to the salon the past few months, but I feel far more rewarded that I can now interact with my baby in a different way. Yes, it is an investment of money, but it’s an investment in you and your baby’s quality of life.